First Anniversary Celebration - Virtual Tour!

Make a donation of $25.00 or more and receive the Virtual Tour as a gift!
This tour was presented for the celebration of the first year of the museum. It is now being offered to our contributors to the 2021 Fundraising Campaign. To learn more about this campaign, click here.
About this Event - Letter from the Founder (January 24th, 2021)
Due to the pandemic, it is not possible to celebrate the museum's first anniversary throwing a big party. Why not turn this setback into something really exciting?
Located in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, the Origami Museum is a little gem worth visiting. But even in normal times, it may be far from home and expensive to travel.
So ... I'm delighted to take you on a virtual tour of the museum!
Come on Sunday, January 24 at 4:30 pm GMT (11:30 am New York; 1:30 pm Buenos Aires; 17:30 Rome; 00:30 am Monday 25th Singapore) for an hourlong visit to the first origami museum in the Americas!
Note: Your invitation and Zoom link will magically show the time in your local time zone. No need to recalculate!
There are so many fun things and anecdotes that I can't wait to share with you!
I'll take you through an exhibition of more than 100 works by contemporary and historical artists from around the world. Masters like Robert J. Lang, Erik & Martin Demaine, Paul Jackson, Giang Dinh, Shuki Kato, Gabriel Wong, Ekaterina Lukasheva, Nguyễn Hùng Cường, Kade Chan, Tom Hull, Patricia Crawford, Akira Yoshizawa, and others. And as a treat I'll show you some secrets of the exhibition displays and a couple of treasures from our archives that are not currently on view!
The ticket for the virtual tour is $ 30.00 US dollars. But there are 20 "early bird" tickets at US $ 20.00 so hurry up to make your reservation! All money raised will help fund museum projects such as online courses, educational materials and community events (for more information about our work, visit the museum website).
Come explore the museum and celebrate its first year together!
Laura Rozenberg
Director & Founder
Museo del Origami
Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
Artwork credits: Leaf & Frog, by Bernie Peyton (2007); Mask, by Joel Cooper (2010)
The visit will take about one hour and will be divided as follows:
The First Part of the visit will be the actual tour to the museum where I’ll show you the rooms. They are five:
The historical room
Masters of origami, science, education and rehabilitation
Typologies; techniques; modulars and tessellations
Library and document room
Gift shop
Second Part: it will be a short dissertation, covering the following topics:
What is a small-format museum and how is this different from a large museum.
Why did I choose Colonia, Uruguay, and wouldn’t have been better to create a museum in, say, New York or any other big city in the world?
How is a museum different from a gallery?
What is a modern museum and how is this different from a collection of objects displayed in a certain way?
Is it very expensive to create a museum? Did I get any government or private support?
How long did it take to develop, from the first idea until the opening?
How the master plan was designed and who was part of the team of developers?
What was the process for creating the narrative, signage, display cabinets and interactive devices?
How many pieces are there in the collection, where they come from and how they were transported to Uruguay?
How the exhibit was curated?
How the museum financially supports itself?
What educational and outreach community projects are being developed?
Third Part: The last part of the meeting will be Q&R.
The tour will be conducted in English.
The event will be recorded and kept in the museum archive. Those who cannot attend but purchased the ticket, will be allowed o watch it later.