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2020 Activity Report

In its first year, the Museo del Origami in Colonia welcomed many visitors and developed several projects

  • The exhibition: Over 3500 visitors came to the museum in just four months. The rest of the year the museum remained closed to the public due to the panemic. However, we managed to continue working by developing online projects.

  • Online course: “Origami and Geometry” is a unique online program for teacher's training developed by the Museum and conducted in Spanish by Prof. Stella Ricotti. Its 47 lessons spanning over six and a half hours, are targeted to elementary and middle school teachers as well as origami workshop coordinators. Click here for the syllabus (Spanish only)

  • VideoLibrary: in less than a year the museum produced 20 short videos that highlight different aspects of origami, from the history of paperfolding to interviews with masters and tips for techniques. They are freely accessible at the museum's website and are subtitled in English and Spanish.

  • Workshops: Complying with public health measures, the museum offers limited in-person origami workshops for individuals or small groups.

  • The Museum Collection: The Museum is honored to have received artwork by international artists which became part of the  museum collection. Special thanks for their donations  to Oriol Esteve, João Charrua, Román Díaz, Ángel Morollón. 

  • Education: Plans to invite schools to the museum were suspended due to the pandemic. Production of educational and guide sheets for the general public is underway.

  • Outreach: Our programs and activities announcements appear regularly in social networks. The Museum was invited to participate in interviews and online workshops coordinated by origami associations of several countries. 

  • Research: The Museum’s current research activities are focused on material from the Gershon Legman archive and other historical sources. An article was published dealing with Legman’s teaching of origami in 1953 to children at a psychiatric clinic in Harlem. Originally in Spanish, it was published in the AEP magazine. With OrigamiUSA's support, it was translated into English and published in OrigamiUSA's The Paper and The Fold (read it here). The French version will appear in Le Pli #160 in 2021 (the magazine of MFPP).

  • Gift Shop: The Museum’s brick and mortar gift shop and its online store expanded their selection of origami papers and books available for purchase. 

  • Admission to RNMyCM in Uruguay: The Museo del Origami in Colonia received a "favorable" vote for admission into the National Network of Museums and Museum Collections of República Oriental del Uruguay (read the RNMyCM communication here). Registration in the network is underway. This is a significant milestone for a project that began as a dream ten years ago and for the Origami community worldwide that continuos to support the Museo del Origami! 

  • Temko Innovation Award: The museum received the Temko Innovations Award granted to its founder, Laura Rozenberg, by OrigamiUSA, the world's largest institution dedicated to origami.

  • Library : Numerous donations of origami books and papers were received. We thank Origami USA and Charlene Morrow for donating tons of origami paper and the following friends of the museum for their donation of books: Mike Morton, Barry Hayes, Meenakshi Mukerji and Rona Gurkewitz and Tereza Yamashita. Special thanks to Meenakshi Mukerji for her referral to CRC Press for the book donation. 

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© 2020-24 Museo del Origami en Colonia.

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