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The Origami Museum Video Library

The Museo del Origami Videolibrary adds new videos about paperfolding, its history, creators and interpreters.

Miguel de Unamuno and his Pajaritas IV

Part Four - The Flapping Bird: In 1889, Miguel de Unamuno traveled around Europe. It is possible that he discovered the flapping at the World Fair in Paris but it is also possible that he found it in the literature as he was an avid reader and the flapping bird had been published in magazines and enciclopedias. A year later, Unamuno mentioned the "flying pajarita" in a letter to his friend Juan de Arzadun.

Miguel de Unamuno and his Pajaritas III

Part Three : Pajaritas, soldiers, warriors and horses.

In his research, Juan Gimeno continues to narrate Miguel de Unamuno's pastimes with paper figures during his childhood in Bilbao. These pastimes were shared by other children, even in other countries, as evidenced by the 19th century German collections of soldiers and horsemen (which are adaptations of the traditional pajarita.)

Miguel de Unamuno and his Pajaritas II

Part Two : Playing with "Pajaritas"

In this second part, Juan Gimeno rescues Unamuno's texts about his childhood in Bilbao. Hiding in the basement of the family business, to take refuge from the bombs during the Carlist wars, Miguel and his cousin Telesforo invented various games with "pajaritas de papel", recreating battles, death, marriages and birth as they would see in real life.

Miguel de Unamuno and his "Pajaritas de papel"

The story of the Spanish philosopher Miguel de Unamuno (Bilbao, 1864 -Salamanca, 1936) as an avid paperfolder.
Research: Juan Gimeno (Spain).

Video editing: Museo del Origami, Colonia (Uruguay).

Part one : Unamuno's childhood

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