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News 2023

The Origami Museum of Colonia del Sacramento has received the license  Uruguay Country Brand
Museo del Origami recibe certificacion_edited
Beatriz Argimon entrega licenciamiento al Museo del Origami
47 empresas reciben certificacion

After an exhaustive evaluation in which values of leadership, management and sustainability, among others, were considered, the Origami Museum in Colonia del Sacramento received the Uruguay Country Brand certification. This places it among the Uruguayan companies accredited with licensing in line with good global practices in “country branding.”


The 2023 closing event where the delivery of the license was formalized took place on November 17 at the Uruguay Golf Club of Punta Carrasco, in Montevideo. In this way, the Origami Museum joined 46 other companies that received the distinction.


Uruguay Country Brand - the well-known logo of the sun surrounded by two ascending blue curves - is a certification granted by the homonymous government entity that this year has entrusted the selection process to the evaluation firm LSQA. “The new licensing under LSQA certification considers four fundamental values to represent the best of our country through product or service companies,” says Germán Amorin, representative of Uruguay XXI for the Promotion of Investments, Exports and Image of the Country. And he clarifies: “These values are: origin, leadership and management, sustainability and export capacity.”


Due to its innovative profile, the Origami Museum has become an unmissable tour for tourists visiting Cologne since its inauguration in 2020. “The granting of the license fills us with pride as it is a certification that we are on the right path. It is a great honor and a great responsibility since companies declared a Country Brand are usually the visible face of Uruguay, for example when the country goes on tour to exhibit its products, whether food or tourism. The Country Brand is an endorsement, the icon that tourists associate as a recommendation when they visit a city. In this sense, the recognition that the Origami Museum meets these conditions forces us not to give up, to continue thinking about how to be better every day, how to better represent the country, both here and abroad," says Laura Rozenberg. Sofi, museum director.

Novedades 2022

Rebecca Gieseking
New additions to the museum collection

The spirit of anime in the work of Chen Xiao

"I am Chen Xiao from China. I have been studying origami for 13 years. Human figures and animals are my favorite subjects. Most of my models were designed from box folds and 22.5° construction. Nowadays I tend to create my works in the form of origami, instead of simply using paper to imitate other forms of art." (From the CFC site, Community for Creators)
The Museo del Origami has acquired twelve works by Chen Xiao with funds from the Fund for Origami Art. One of them, titled Walking in the Rain, was the winner of the Joisel Award in the Figurative category in 2021. The other works are inspired by human figures from anime and manga. 

Gabriel Vong: great interpreter of great creators

The Museo del Origami highlights the works of original creators and also seeks to value the interpretations of these originals made by leading professionals in the art of origami. In this regard, the museum appreciates Gabriel Vong's decision to donate his entire collection, which includes interpretations of works by Akira Yoshizawa, Robert Lang, Neal Elias, Michael LaFosse, Román Díaz, and many others. His work is so vast that the museum will hold many exhibitions of this collection. 

William Huang and Nan (aka Syugenja)

Two young creators from Taiwan who have donated various works to the Origami Museum. They will be on display soon.

Works by Quentin Trollip (Canada)

Quentin Trollip is one of the great contemporary origami artists. His works have been shown in numerous exhibitions and he is the author of two books of diagrams. These pieces donated by the artists were part of the exhibition that was held during the OrigamiUSA Convention in New York in June 2022. 

trollip racoon

News 2021

New additions to the museum's collection

When Math meets Art - The Work of Rebecca Gieseking (United States)


“I see origami as lying at the intersection of art and science. In college I majored in both art and chemistry. I started designing origami bowls and vases in the spring of 2011."

"Although I call my work origami, I am not a purist. To me, creating an interesting form is more important than following the traditional “rules” of origami. All of my designs are constructed from one uncut piece of paper, and the shape is created primarily by a combination of straight and curved folds.” (from R. Gieseking's website)

Rebecca Gieseking

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Three Curved-Neck Vases:

Rebecca Gieseking's artwork stands out for its uniqueness in the world of origami. And Three Curved-Neck Vases is already an iconic example in her rich production. With curved shapes characteristic of her style, these pieces have been exhibited in various museums and galleries in the United States.

"I've made a few brief forays into curve-based designs. One of my favorite examples is curved-necked glasses," Rebecca explains on her website.

Rebecca Gieseking has developed a distinctive style that is very well represented in these pieces. The almost "impossible" curves reveal a careful study. She hand paints the paper and then she starts folding following a pattern based on mathematical calculations.

More information about this series on the artist's website:

Rebecca Gieseking artwork was acquired in part with funds from Fund for OrigamiArt, a museum initiative that seeks to raise funds for the acquisition of high-quality origami works by international artists.

"Masks", by Joao Charrua (Portugal)

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Joao Charrua goes beyond realism without abandoning it completely, entering a still virgin field that is called surrealism in other disciplines. Its half human and half animal species, or directly indefinable, refer to that tenuous connection between wakefulness and sleep where kind or reckless monsters make their appearance. In Charrua's hands, the folds translate emotions contained in her dreamlike universe, turning them into masks and sculptures of indecipherable beauty.

(Masks made of hand-painted paper. Donated by the artist)
Click on the photos to see them rotate.

"Hipopótamo", by Ángel Morollón (Spain)


The unmistakable style of the Spanish Ángel Morollón is present in this little masterpiece, executed through a succession of elegant and ingenious folds.

(Donated by the artist)

Temko Innovation Award

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The museum received the Temko Innovations Award given to its founder, Laura Rozenberg, by OrigamiUSA, the world's largest institution dedicated to origami.

© 2020-24 Museo del Origami en Colonia.

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