The Origami Museum Video Library
The Museo del Origami Videolibrary adds new videos about paperfolding, its history, creators and interpreters.
Miguel de Unamuno and his Pajaritas - Part VIII
Part Eight - Unamuno and his creations:
This is the last part of "Miguel de Unamuno and his Pajaritas":
His passion for paperfolding is highlighted through paintings. Spanish artists painted his portrait in which they included Unamuno's creations with paper. Research and narrator's voice: Juan Gimeno (Madrid, Spain) Edited by Museo del Origami in Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay) @ 2021
Miguel de Unamuno and his Pajaritas - Part VII
Part Seven - Unamuno and his creations:
Miguel de Unamuno was known as a philosopher and at the same time, especially in Spain, for his ability to fold paper figures. Besides his numerous and simple creations, he wrote poems about paper folding and made some interesting "discoveries", such as how to make a pig with its four legs, head and tail, from a single paper. Unamuno was the first in Spain to recognize the golden rule of origami: any figure must be made without cutting or pasting.
Miguel de Unamuno and his Pajaritas VI
Part Six - Unamuno and "Love and Pedagogy":
Juan Gimeno continues his investigation narrating details about the publication of "Amor y Pedagogía", the book that Unamuno expanded with the addition of "Tratado de Cocotología". Unamuno is also shown at the Student's Residence in Madrid, where he might have crossed paths with the younger generation, some of whom would become famous, like the poet Federico García Lorca, the film director Luis Buñuel and the artist Salvador Dalí.
Miguel de Unamuno and his Pajaritas V
Part Five - Unamuno's folding creations: Here, Juan Gimeno shows at a glance some of the most characteristics creations of Miguel de Unamuno, as they are mentioned in several references of his time.