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The Origami Museum Video Library

Every Saturday, the Origami Museum Video Library will add a new video introducing renowned origami artists and researchers from around the world. Videos have English and Spanish subtitles. 
This is another contribution of the museum, aimed at preserving and talking about the work and memory of historical and contemporary origami artists, as well as the history of paperfolding.

 The Mystery of the Dragonfly

June 27, 2020

This is the story of some incomplete diagrams from the 19th century showing how to fold a dragonfly. The diagrams belonged to a Japanese encyclopedia, Kan-no-mado (also called Karagayusa) that had long been lost. It seemed impossible to solve the enigma, but when in 1952, Gershon Legman, who was studying the history of paperfolding, sent the incomplete drawings to the Argentinean Ligia Montoya, she figured out the missing steps. In 1960, Julia Brossman, an American student of art, found a full copy of the drawings which had been copied by hand by the anthropologist Frederick Starr (the drawings had been kept at the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.). It was then possible to confirm that Montoya had not been wrong. The video will show you how to fold the dragonfly ( or tonbo, in Japanese).

To see the complete original drawings from the Kanomado encyclopedia, as well as the original letter in which Ligia Montoya revealed the missing steps, click here .

Video hablado en español

Video spoken in English

Yuki Martin: How to make a water lily and a lilly pad

June 19, 2020

Yuki Martin is a Japanese educator who currently lives in Portland, Oregon. She has developed an intense activity teaching origami in schools, libraries, camps, elder care facilities and correctional facilities. In this video, made for the Portland Japanese Garden, Ms. Martin shows us how to make a water lily and its leaves. As the artist points out, it will take us to a pleasant haven of tranquility, so much needed in these days of anguish and uncertainty due to the pandemic that is plaguing the entire world. We hope you enjoy it.

Para subtítulos en Español activar Subtítulos en "Configuración" de YouTube

Arnold Tubis: Physicist, Writer, and Artist

June 13, 2020

Arnold Tubis is a Professor Emeritus of Physics from Purdue University Indiana. He is also a prolific book writer and a creator of origami models that range from tessellations to decorative boxes and even money folds, which is a category of origami that uses bank notes to make all kinds of origami shapes and designs. In this video, Arnold will tell us about his beginnings as an origami book collector, an artist, and will show us his books and models.

Para subtítulos en Español activar Subtítulos en "Configuración" de YouTube

June 5, 2020

EMOZ: Escuela Museo Origami Zaragoza
A talk with Felipe Moreno (Spain)

A conversation with Felipe Moreno, curator and one of the founders of EMOZ, the world's first modern origami museum. The premier will start at 10:00 AM (EST) on Saturday, June 6th. It will remain public afterwards. 

For English subtitles, click the "Settings" gear on the YouTube screen

© 2020-24 Museo del Origami en Colonia.

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